Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Release of my fourth children's book

Last night (late last night)  I released my fourth children's book for publication.  (Picture me doing a cute little happy dance, okay probably awkward, silly dance)

I'm excited about this book because Nature is a very big interest of mine. It's different from all my other kid books but it still paints a very good message for children and I hope you enjoy it if you purchase it.

Here's the cover.

I drew the pictures in oil pastels. I love oil pastels. They are fun :)

This children's book will help benefit Arbor Day foundation. Happy Earth and Arbor day everyone! (This is the week to recognize them both)

You can purchase this book on Amazon today ... check it out by clicking that link.


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Just a quick week wrap up.

First and foremost, God bless all the people and their families affected by the Boston bombings. I wish you speedy recoveries and/or peace in your heart if you lost someone. My prayers are sent to you all.

Secondly, I am sorry I haven't been posting this week. I've been busy working at my 9-5 job, busy writing and App Trail training. I've made some great progress on my new book I'm working on. I hope I can keep with the word flow... in fact I think I might go sit a little bit at Barnes & Noble today, get a latte and spend at least a hour or two on trying to wrap up this zombie book. I am excited about it, I hope you all love it to. There is a lot of meaning behind this book but more on that when the book is actually finished and available for sale :)
Also this week, I received my preview copy to my next children's book. Yup, that's right I got another kid's book coming out next week most likely. I'll give you a hint, I'm aiming for Arbor day release because the Arbor Day Foundation is my charity of choice for this book. So I guess you can figure out that my next kid's book is about a tree. (I'm a big nature fanatic, so it makes sense.)

As for my App training... it's hard work. I'm exhausted. I'm still not 100 percent positive I can do this...and my knees are hurting everyday, but I will keep training.  At least I am getting pretty fit! And I have more endurance every day. Which I love!

Oh and in case you missed my quest blog over on Author Elizabeth Alsobrook's website last week you can check it out HERE
It offers you ten fun, influential, and interesting facts about how I came up with my YA novel, THE SHIFTED. Plus gives Author Elizabeth Alsobrook's 5 star review :)
I hope you  read it, and if you have any questions send me a comment or email me at




Sunday, April 14, 2013


I wasn't going to write an actual blog post for my guest spot on Natalie's blog, but after reading the excellent post she sent me I was shamed into it! There seems no reason to reinvent the wheel, so I, too, will talk about where my story idea came from.

I'm a fanatical reader with a very vivid imagination and a degree in history and English, so it's pretty easy to assume I know a 'lot' about ancient and medieval legends and myths. The romantic in me has always been fascinated by tales of the Knights Templar and the Illuminati, of the strange stories of ancient civilizations and modern man's attempt to find scientific proof that mere legends are fact. The "what if" of everything gets me enthusiastic, and rather than "why," as a child I always wanted to know, "why not"?

Like many, many writers, the first novel I wrote has never been published. It was an historical vampire romance set in Russia during the reign of Peter the Great. The why is different from many though. I got an agent almost at once by pitching at a writing conference. Then, I got an editor from Zebra who wanted a sample. Then she wanted more. Unfortunately, she decided it was "too dark" for their line (keep in mind this was nearly 30 years ago!).

About that time, I decided to complete college and as a single mom I needed to find a decent job. I loved the literature and history classes, and what else do you do with those degrees? Yes, I became a teacher. I continued to learn (that lifelong thirst for information gene) and eventually taught college. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how far from fiction my writing had become. In an attempt to rekindle my creative spirit, I retired from teaching and began to write again. I discovered that I was no longer the same writer. The marketplace was completely different too. I did send out my manuscript once, but the response was, so what? Where are the zombies and the other monsters? Just a vampire romance? BOOOOoooooring! It was cutting edge when I first wrote it, but….

Write what you know? I knew legend and myths and as Shakespeare said, we don't need to write anything new, we can just rewrite the past. So I did. Illuminati: The Book of Life was born from a widely popular conspiracy theory based on ancient cave drawings about a super-human alien race who built the pyramids and were considered gods, and a wealth of historical and mythological stories.

 The story resonates with me, through me, and from me. Once I had the bones in my head, the   characters came to life and finished the telling. The story continues, and I can't wait to see what happens next. Stay tuned for: Illuminati: The Tree of Life, and a YA series that's a spinoff of the adult series.

Elizabeth Alsobrooks' Illuminati series, Book I

Ljluka  Vargas, immortal prince and the cool-headed enforcer for the Vargas Dynasty,
must go up against his most intriguing enemy, the mysterious Nalini. She intends
to beat him to the secret archaeological site of The Book of Life which contains
the genetic secrets of their ancient ancestors.

In order to escape the cruel domination of her family and gain freedom for her mother, Nalini assumes the role of assassin. In her rival, the sleek and deadly Luc, she finds a different kind of danger. She’s supposed to eliminate him, but that would foil destiny’s plan for them to be together.

It’s a race from power-hungry D.C. cabinet rooms through the secret realms of the Vatican, from cloud forests and desert sands to the caverns of the Underworld as mankind hangs in the balance. For whoever possesses the Book of Life has the potential to rule the
world, offering or denying immortality to the human race.

 Anyone looking for further information can check out her website
You can also find Elizabeth on Facebook ,  Goodreads and Twitter

Great post today Elizabeth. Thank you for stopping by. I always wanted to be a teacher, or at least that's what I went to college for. I was leaning toward Elementary Ed, Art or creative writing. However, I landed a job right after graduation that I couldn't pass up and I've been there since. Sometimes I still wonder what teaching would have been like but now that I've taken up writing as a second "full-time" job, once in a while I get to guest read my self-published children stories at an elementary school. So I kind of get a taste for it.
But obviously all your degrees and your experience in the classroom is pay
ing off because I see your book is getting excellent praise from fellow authors.

Everyone check it out:
 "When Elizabeth Alsobrooks holds a mirror up to life you can be sure she catches it all. Poet, novelist, scholar, publisher, professor, literary liaison – how could it be otherwise? This is a writer for all seasons, of all seasons. ILLUMINATI is as good a single word capture as you could get for her eclectic mind and imagination. Follow the implications through these pages and you will travel the crossroads of authentic history as well as a secret past that might have been. But you will scarcely have to leave your own time – or your heart – in order to feel the universal passions of her characters and their intrigues. Savor it all in this intelligent and lyrical tour de force."--Thomas Sullivan, Pulitzer nominated author of Dust of Eden, Water Wolf, Born Burning...

Strong, well-drawn characters walk a tight-rope of ancient legends and modern day intrigues, blending action a la Indiana Jones/Lara Croft with the lure of a Dan Brownesque mythology in a smart adventure/romance this talented debut author categorizes as urban fantasy reinvented. Then add feuding family pathos packed with surprises. These folks could have their own reality show: Affairs of the Rich and Immortal! Alsobrooks leads the reader along a daring chase that leaves plenty of teasing openings for series expansion. My personal favorite - the eloquently fawning servant Hassidim. I need a Hassidim. I want a Hassidim. And then, of course, there's the hunky brother, Andrew . . . but that, I'm told, is another story. I'll be looking forward to it. --Nancy Gideon, Author of the By Moonlight series…

Congratulations Elizabeth! Great work!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The week I turned 30....and the release of my third children's book.

Hey everyone! It's official. I'm finally 30. The big 3-0! Do you know I've been dreading turning 30 since probably high school. Lol. I don't know what it is about the number. I guess it's just the fact that you are officially a grown up. There are no more excuses for you to be lazy, and childish. Or at least that's how I view it.
However I was speaking to my Grandmother (one of the best people in the world that is) and she asked me yesterday "How are you feeling now that you are 30?" (and let's keep in mind this is a 86 year old woman who has pneumonia, lung cancer and copd and she's asking ME how I feel.) So I told her, "Well, I feel 30." Of course I was just joking. Then she went on to tell me that "30s are a wonderful age. They are better than your 20s. You are wiser. Prettier. stronger. You can accomplish more." Then she continued to say. "40s will be the best years yet. You mark my words. You wont be able to believe it now but it doesn't go downhill at 30. It just gets better and better. You have your freedom now to do whatever. You are your own person. You are an adult. And that means you can do anything you want. So don't get sad and don't give up. Stay positive."
I love that woman, so much. I don't know how but just a short little conversation with her made me feel a little better.
She is the most positive woman I know. Even with all she is dealing with she is still positive.
I asked her, "Gram how are YOU feeling?" She said, "Well. Pap and I are slowly getting better each day but we are both miserable." Then she started laughing. "But I'm positive we will be fine."
Three years ago the doctors told her she only had 3 months to live if she didn't take the chemo... if she took the chemo she had a 6 months to a year. My Gram hasn't taken chemo for over two years now. The good Lord has blessed our family so much. I don't know where I'd be without my Gram. I love her and she is a huge influence in my life.
And with that being said, you can see why I started off my vacation week with heading back home to PA to see Her and Pap and the rest of my family. Because for Easter I wanted to be back home with them.

So here is a summary of my birthday week. Figured I'd take a couple pictures to share with you all.

Friday 3/29
I woke up and went to the gym for the first time in a LONG time. (I am determined to being more fit and healthy than I was in my I'm training for a 3 day hike on the Appalachian trail. )
Then in the afternoon, I hit the road.
I didn't do much Friday night because it was a good 3 1/2 hour drive and I didn't show up until around dinner time. So I hit the food store with my mom, we stopped by to hug and kiss Gram/Pap and my nephews and then headed back to her house in the mountain.
And played a little cards while enjoying a glass of wine with my parents.

I was losing at the point I took this pic with my camera phone, but I actually ended up winning. YAY!!! lol.
Then after that we settled down on and watched Monk on dvd. (And this became the start of my unhealthy obsession with the show. I haven't spent a night since NOT watching at least one show on netflicks.)

Saturday 3/30
Since I didn't have a gym, I went for a hour long walk with my father through the PA mountains. (Great work out! Wish I had those hills near me.)
Then I went shopping with my sister. Just some one on one sister time. I had to go buy an easter outfit because I realized that the pants I packed for Easter I must have shrunk in the dryer because they were too tight, and too short. Ugh. They were new pants too!!!! But I ended up buying a cute poka dot dress (yes, poka dots) and my sister treated me to lunch at the pizzeria. (nice bonding time and really really good french fries)
After that I hung with my nephews for awhile then headed back to my parents house for the rest of the night.

Easter Sunday 3/31
I got up really early and went to church with my parents. I hadn't been to church in like a year so it was definitely time to go. (plus I was born on easter sunday so I like to go at least on Easter).
After that we came back to my parents house and had Easter dinner. We had easter egg hunt, easter baskets (Even my pups got one), and last but not least a surprise birthday cake for ME:)

 Then it was a long drive home in the rain :( But that's okay because I had homemade birthday cake, easter candy and I was content.
Then I got home and got smothered in kisses by these two loves of my life.

 Monday 4/1
I started the day off at the gym again. Then spoiled myself at a day spa the rest of the day with my birthday gift. Getting a manicure. A pedicure. A hair cut.
Then went to my inlaws house and had dinner and a glass of wine with my sister-in-law.Check out my lovely manicure.

Tuesday 4/2
I started the day off at the gym again. Then I met a friend of mine for lunch. I haven't seen him in like two years so it was great seeing him. Then he bought me the craziest pants I ever seen for my birthday present. They are geometrical designs. One is black and white. One is every color of the rainbow.
And in some weird way I actually like them. lol.
Then after lunch and shopping, I went out to eat with my hubby.

Wednesday 4/3 (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!)
I started the day off at the gym again. Legs day. Ugh. (Why do I do that to myself ?) lol
I came home from the gym to find these sitting on my kitchen island for me from the hubby.


 I took my pic with my dogs, though they don't really cooperate around cameras. lol Here is the first look at my new hair cut.

Then I went to lunch with my hubby to our favorite little deli place. Then got a coffee. And bought myself a pair of sanuks. Check them out. <3
Then my hubby had to go to class and training for the rest of the day :( boo!!!! So I was left alone. But Mike's Aunt surprised me with cake and pastries and Mike's family sang Happy Birthday to me!


After that my mom came back down from PA to take me out to dinner. We went to this cute little italian place. And we had so much food. Our appetizer was actually waffle fries with cheese and gravy though. lol.

Overall it was a good birthday.

Thursday 4/4
I was back to work... and life was normal again. I even took a day off from working out. And just cooked my hubby dinner and then watched WAY TOO MANY episodes of Monk at night.

Friday 4/5
I went to work. After work since it was so beautiful out I went for a 2 mile run. Then I jumped on the back of the Harley with my hubby. We went out for burgers. And I came home and forced myself to spend sometime writing.
I ended up writing the story for my NEXT children's book and self-published my third children's book. Here is the title and the link if you'd like to purchase it.

COMING SOON TO AMAZON!! AVAILABLE NOW ON CREATESPACE.COM FOR $5.99. Percentage of proceeds donated to East Coast Paws N Claws Rescue 
Here's the link:

And today Saturday 4/6...
I started officially training for my hike across the Appalachian trail next month.  Training day 1. Eight and a half miles on the trails with about a 15 pound backpack. 
(Must say after my run yesterday and the hike today... my legs are burning. lol)


 Now after a great and yet entirely exhausting hike ( I hope I can do this 3 day adventure next month) I am going to relax and guess what, (Yup that's right) watch more episodes of MONK.
Have any of you seen Monk? Do you like it? I can't get enough of it. Probably because sadly I have many of Monk's characteristics and it makes me laugh.

Well thanks for stopping by, glad I was able to do a rewind of my great week for you all, and hope you stop by again soon. And while you are at it, check my new children book release. It's a cute story inspired by true events.