Wow, so I am probably the lamest author out there! My first young adult paranormal book: THE SHIFTED has been out for almost two weeks and I am just now blogging about it? Aren't I supposed to be banging drums, jumping up and down, and hollering off the mountains??? Okay, that's a little extreme and I really don't have an excuse for neglecting the proper release my book deserves.... but nevertheless I am super excited and can't believe the day has finally come where it is available for everyone out there to read. (bites nails nervously)
To make up for my lack of announcing "my baby" I updated my blog. And during the course of updating it, I tried really hard to think of something interesting to write about. I'm still working on that. In the meantime, I just want to thank everyone who has already purchased my book, and I just want to say I hope that you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
The Shifted is a special book to me. One, because it is my first novel I ever completed. Two, because it was the hardest thing and yet the easiest thing I ever wrote. Three, because I never gave up. And four, (last but not least) because I love my characters. Seriously, every single character I created feels so real to me. I remember reading or listening to something from Stephenie Meyer once, and she was talking about how her characters pretty much wrote the story, not the other way around. I used to think , "come on, how do fictional characters tell you how the story ends, or how do they become something you didn't intend for them to be..." and you know what, as I wrote this story, my characters did just that. Now I completely understand where Stephenie was coming from.
Alot of times when people write, certain authors influence them. It is a given that Stephenie Meyer was one of mine, considering I absolutely loved her Twilight Series. Stephenie is the reason I started writing a novel in the first place. Because her story inspired me.
Other authors that helped inspire me along the way were Rachel Caine & Rick Riordan. I hope someday I am blessed with the opportunity to meet them and thank them for helping me (without realizing it) make my dream come true. I also hope one day, I am as talented as them. They have written my favorite books ever- and though JK Rowling has not necessarily inspire me to write this story, her Harry Potter series will forever remain one of my favorites as well. Heck, for my five year anniversary I had my hubby take me to Universal just so I can go to Harry Potter World. Because yes, I am that much of a dork and I am proud of it!! So I would love to meet her as well!!!
THE SHIFTED is only book one in my series. Book two is currently written but in the editing process. I will let everyone know more about it when the time is right (And I promise I won't be a slacker this time.)
Here is the cover and the link to purchase my book in kindle format. (it is available though wherever ebooks are sold... barnes & nobles, Smashwords...etc)
Also some people may not have a ereader, so there are two options available at the time if you wish to read The Shifted. 1) you can go to and download the pdf file for purchase and it will download to your computer or 2) if you have an ipone or a droid you can download to the kindle app, and read it off your cell phone.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Hey everyone!!
Today was my first radio interview on my upcoming book THE SHIFTED. You can check it out here by clicking on the link below. I admit I was nervous, but Sherry with Tell-Tale Publishing and author of a few books herself, made this first experience a lot less nerve-wrecking. So I just want to give a BIG THANK YOU to her!!!
I can't believe all this is really happening. It's almost here!! So exciting.
Talk to you later
Today was my first radio interview on my upcoming book THE SHIFTED. You can check it out here by clicking on the link below. I admit I was nervous, but Sherry with Tell-Tale Publishing and author of a few books herself, made this first experience a lot less nerve-wrecking. So I just want to give a BIG THANK YOU to her!!!
I can't believe all this is really happening. It's almost here!! So exciting.
Talk to you later
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Here it is everyone the official book trailer for my upcoming young adult novel, THE SHIFTED!!!
I hope you are as excited for this release as I am.
I hope you are as excited for this release as I am.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The Girl Whose Heart Was Too Big's "story"
The Girl Whose Heart Was Too Big is a children's story I wrote a couple years ago actually. I had originally wanted to publish it traditionally, or at least try to. I did have someone interested in publishing it. Then my grandmother got sick, and I wanted it out sooner than later. The publisher told me about self-publishing. I had attempted to do it, but then realized I hadn't a clue what I was getting myself into. And every picture I drew up, I didn't like. I had a vision for this story and I just couldn't get it to work.
Then I just put it aside.
And tried finishing a young adult book that I was working on so my Grams could read that instead. (I just wanted to give her something to read that I wrote...)
Then my computer crashed 2x. Yeah. That didn't get written either. So I think I just ended up drawing my Gram a picture. I knew she would be proud of me either way. A year later, I wrote The Shifted and she was the first person and only person to own a typed, unedited manuscript. I didn't even have a printed copy.
But once I finished that book, I started book 2. "Full Moon on the Rise." Once I finished book 2, I secretly started working on the children's book again.
I thought it was going to be simple.
And part of it was. I did the sketches for the book in a hour tops. It was fun. I was excited.
Then I tried self-publishing. Not so fun.
I guess I didn't read the part where it tells you how to format and what not. All my sizes and fonts, pictures, etc were ALL WRONG. I had to start over, and over, and over.... You get my drift. And then I realized I really didn't know what I was supposed to even do. What was supposed to go in the book, etc.
That's where Author Shawn Kirsten Maravel came to the rescue. She answered all kinds of questions I had, and if it weren't for her I would probably still be yelling at my computer :)
So again, I give a great big "THANK YOU" shout out to her!! [And if any of you haven't read her stuff, head over to her blog, - and check her out. I've been lucky enough to read 3 out of 4 of her novels, and I've enjoyed all of them.]
So anyway, I told you guys I would tell you why I chose the Associated Humane Societies as my choice of donation in my last blog, and why I chose to donate fifty percent of my royalties.
Let me start with I used to be scared of big dogs.
Yup. Me. The huge dog lover.
I was bit when I was younger and I was scared ever since. Puppies didn't bother me. (Puppies are too cute) but big, older dogs did.
I used to say I was a cat person. I loved cats. (Still do) Except I realized cats don't like me. I am allergic.
Therefore I can't be a cat person.
My husband wanted a dog, I was weary.
Then we went looking for property in upstate NY. While we were at Salmon River Falls, we met an american bull dog. It was the first time I ever heard of an american bull dog. (I later learned this is the breed of dog that played "Chance" on Homeward Bound) This dog was awesome. Friendly. Trained. BIG. And I still liked him.
Not even a year later we went to the Popcorn Park Zoo as an afternoon out and about. The Popcorn Park Zoo is next to the Associated Humane Societies. Inside the AHS there are many animals waiting for adoption,in hopes of finding a new or their first home.
We decided to walk through there to say "hi" to the animals.
That's where I met "Alex."
A white and black american bull dog. He was BIG and he was only a year old. I instantly connected with him. I think I was starting to see a pattern. I was okay with American Bull Dogs- or probably just because he looked just like the awesome dog from NY.
So anyway, we found out why Alex was there and not adopted. Turns out he's been there since he was a little puppy- and the story I heard broke my heart. We went home that day and I started begging my husband for Alex. I mean, to the point I was in tears and crying.
I think I startled myself and him that day- actually that week. I didn't let go about it. And worse, we lived in an apartment where we weren't even allowed animals. But no, I wouldn't give it up.
Finally I must have broke down my husband because he agreed. But when I called the AHS back about Alex, he was already in the process of being adopted out. It was a sad and happy day for me. I was happy Alex was finding a home but I was sad, it wasn't with us.
We might not have gotten Alex, but it started us on a whole new search for American bull dogs. I wanted a rescue dog but my husband suggested with my fear of big dogs, we should start with a puppy. So I could get used to it small, and growing in stages. And that I knew its background.
That's how we ended up getting Chance. (And no I didn't name him after Chance on Homeward Bound, I didn't even think of this movie until AFTER someone mentioned the coincidence. I actually named him after the line, "taking a chance." I was taking a chance on him.)
I was nervous because we still only lived in the apartment, we had only just started house hunting, and we were on our way to Maryland to pick up our new "and totally not allowed or we would get evicted" puppy.
Except when I saw chance for the first time, I fell instantly in love. Then when the little boy picked up a shoe and paraded around our feet with it hanging out of his mouth, I don't know I fell in love even more. He looked so proud of himself. He looked so comfortable around us. And he looked so awful tripping over the shoelaces. I knew him and I were going to be a match-made in heaven. Clumsy, big-hearted and adorable, he became my best friend.
Somehow we found a home in less than 3 months, we moved out of our apartment and we started a family in our new house. 3 months after that, we got another american Bull dog.
And I started sponsoring more at the Associated Humane Societies- because 1. My husband wouldn't allow us to get anymore puppies at the time being, we were already in over our head with two lol and 2. because I couldn't forget about Alex's story and how he was the reason I now had two wonderful dogs to call my own. So in thanks to him- I wanted to help out other animals.
And that's how my annual drives started....
My children's story started....
And why I wrote it with intentions of donating more money to the Associated Humane Societies.
And with your help, by just purchasing one book, I will be able to give more than I am able too. And I thank all of you that have already helped.
I remember when I was scared of big dogs, but you'd never know I was if you've seen me now.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Publication of my children's story
Hey everyone!!!
My children's story is now available for purchase at
Fifty percent of the royalties made from the sale of this book will be donated to the Associated Humane Societies.
Here is a pic of the cover -you can also access the by clicking on the picture too.
In a few days it will also be available on, but if any of you would like to purchase it sooner, it's ready.
I'm currently in the middle of an office remodel, but once everything is finished I will be posting blog about why I chose the Associated Humane Societies as my choice for donation. I hope everyone enjoys the story and understands the powerful message behind it.
I'll be back with more soon...
My children's story is now available for purchase at
Fifty percent of the royalties made from the sale of this book will be donated to the Associated Humane Societies.
Here is a pic of the cover -you can also access the by clicking on the picture too.
In a few days it will also be available on, but if any of you would like to purchase it sooner, it's ready.
I'm currently in the middle of an office remodel, but once everything is finished I will be posting blog about why I chose the Associated Humane Societies as my choice for donation. I hope everyone enjoys the story and understands the powerful message behind it.
I'll be back with more soon...
Friday, September 21, 2012
The reveal...........
Yay! The time has come for the cover reveal!!!
I'm so excited, I hope you all love it as much as I do!!

[warning... I might squeal!!!]
"Yippity do dah! Yippity day! My o' my it's a beautiful day!"
Thursday, August 2, 2012
And the winner is....
The winner of the $25 giftcard to Amazon goes to Amanda Wood. Congratulations Amanda!! And thank you all for participating!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Lazy Days of Summer Giveaway Hop
From July 27th through August 1st, I'm participating in the Lazy Days of Summer Giveaway Hop hosted by I AM A Reader, Not A Writer
and Colorimetry.
I'll be giving away a $25 dollar gift card to Amazon.
$25 Amazon Gift Card to one winner of the Giveaway
Open to US only.
Drawing for the Giveaway will be held on August 1,
and the winners will be announced on August 2.
$25 Amazon Gift Card to one winner of the Giveaway
Open to US only.
Drawing for the Giveaway will be held on August 1,
and the winners will be announced on August 2.
To be eligible to enter the Giveaway, you must
"Follow" this site then enter with this FORM.
One entry per person please. Friend me on Facebook,
Follow me on Twitter and/or
Friend me on Goodreads
for an extra chances to win. Leave a comment and your URL and I'll follow you
I don't know about you guys, but my summer has been anything but lazy. Tell me what has been the most fun thing you've done this summer? Do you have any vacations planned? Did you go on vacation? Is there a specific part of summer that you love the most?
Thanks for stopping by- I look forward to meeting you.
Happy Summer!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Cover art!
I'm so excited today!!! These past couple days I have been going back and forth with my editor, in regards to my cover art for my upcoming book. Today, I finally made my choice and I can't be happier. I think she did an amazing job with it and I can't wait to get the go ahead to share it with all of you :)
Stay tuned for the reveal...
Monday, July 9, 2012
Let the fun begin...
Hey everyone!! Hope you are enjoying your summer! It's sure been a hot one around here lately, but at least I have a good excuse to chill indoors with the air conditioning now. I received my first round of edits for my upcoming book!! It's so exciting!!! I am a little nervous about the whole process but so far I'm thrilled to be getting wrapped up into the story again.
I will keep you posted along the way.
Meanwhile enjoy the sunshine! And remember, wear sunscreen. :)
I will keep you posted along the way.
Meanwhile enjoy the sunshine! And remember, wear sunscreen. :)
Monday, April 9, 2012
My birthday week!
So I am officially 29 years old now. Eek! That means I'm almost 30!!! Where does time go??
Oh that's right, I'm busy working full time and trying to write some books :)
There still isn't any updates on The Shifted, but I have a few things in the works- like a new website and few other story ideas. Can't wait to share it with you.
In the meantime, I thought I'd take a time out from my busy schedule and share my birthday week with you. Starting with a very young photo of me... the birthday girl.
That was me 23 years ago! My wonderful grandmother sends me a birthday card every year with a photo attached. This was the photo sent to me this year. Apparently you get ribbons in elementary school for being a birthday girl, I just didn't remember that. Lol.
Besides getting birthday photos, I spent my actual birthday working at my job and going out for chocolate chip pancakes at the diner when my hubby got home. Pancakes are one of my favorite foods...chocolate is the other. :)
I was a happy birthday girl!!
After we ate some fine italian dinner, played some slot machines, and pretty much got super nosy and checked everything out- we left Revel and headed over to the Tropicana for some good ol' laughs at the comedy show. I think I was the loudest one!!! I was crying, I was laughing so hard at the end of the show. What a wonderful way to end a great evening out!!
And if celebrating my birthday at the diner and AC wasn't enough fun for me, I packed up my overnight bag and headed home to PA for the Easter weekend.
I just love those mountains!!!!
"Over the hill... and through the woods.... to grandma's house we go..." Oh wait, sorry, I started singing off key again. Good thing you couldn't actually hear me. Anyway, the weather was beautiful (a little chilly at night and early morning) but the sky was always clear. Which just means I got to see my mountains EVERY day!
Friday I got to see my sister and her family, and an old childhood friend and her family. Saturday I spent the morning shopping with my mom, taking a nap on the recliner in the afternoon (it's very rare to find me that relaxed, lol) and in the evening was playing cards with my grandparents and my sister. And might I just add my grandfather took no mercy on me. I was handing out money left and right, apparently I am just as bad at playing cards as I am at playing slots. And then Sunday, I got up and went to church in the morning with my parents and then helped mom out in the kitchen until Easter dinner.
(My wonderful husband drove all the way up just for the day so I was super happy to spend the holiday with him too)
I couldn't have asked for a better 29th birthday ( Okay, okay I know could have thought of even more fun things to do and places to go but overall it was a great week.)
So how about any of you? Did anyone else celebrate a birthday this past week ? (If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!) Do any of you have a birthday coming up? How are you celebrating it or how did you celebrate it? And what about your Easter holiday? What was your favorite part? Anyone get any good easter baskets??
[I didn't... but I did get my nephews some good ones :) Guess once you hit 29 and are married, if you don't buy yourself an Easter basket you aren't getting one. Lol! And if you did, I'm jealous. :)!!]
Oh that's right, I'm busy working full time and trying to write some books :)
There still isn't any updates on The Shifted, but I have a few things in the works- like a new website and few other story ideas. Can't wait to share it with you.
In the meantime, I thought I'd take a time out from my busy schedule and share my birthday week with you. Starting with a very young photo of me... the birthday girl.
That was me 23 years ago! My wonderful grandmother sends me a birthday card every year with a photo attached. This was the photo sent to me this year. Apparently you get ribbons in elementary school for being a birthday girl, I just didn't remember that. Lol.
Besides getting birthday photos, I spent my actual birthday working at my job and going out for chocolate chip pancakes at the diner when my hubby got home. Pancakes are one of my favorite foods...chocolate is the other. :)
I was a happy birthday girl!!
The next day I headed off to Atlantic City with my husband, sister-in-law and brother-in-law to check out the new casino.B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! I loved it, up until I lost my money haha. No I still loved it.
The view of the ocean from the casino floor is awesome.
After we ate some fine italian dinner, played some slot machines, and pretty much got super nosy and checked everything out- we left Revel and headed over to the Tropicana for some good ol' laughs at the comedy show. I think I was the loudest one!!! I was crying, I was laughing so hard at the end of the show. What a wonderful way to end a great evening out!!
And if celebrating my birthday at the diner and AC wasn't enough fun for me, I packed up my overnight bag and headed home to PA for the Easter weekend.
I just love those mountains!!!!
"Over the hill... and through the woods.... to grandma's house we go..." Oh wait, sorry, I started singing off key again. Good thing you couldn't actually hear me. Anyway, the weather was beautiful (a little chilly at night and early morning) but the sky was always clear. Which just means I got to see my mountains EVERY day!
Friday I got to see my sister and her family, and an old childhood friend and her family. Saturday I spent the morning shopping with my mom, taking a nap on the recliner in the afternoon (it's very rare to find me that relaxed, lol) and in the evening was playing cards with my grandparents and my sister. And might I just add my grandfather took no mercy on me. I was handing out money left and right, apparently I am just as bad at playing cards as I am at playing slots. And then Sunday, I got up and went to church in the morning with my parents and then helped mom out in the kitchen until Easter dinner.
(My wonderful husband drove all the way up just for the day so I was super happy to spend the holiday with him too)
I couldn't have asked for a better 29th birthday ( Okay, okay I know could have thought of even more fun things to do and places to go but overall it was a great week.)
So how about any of you? Did anyone else celebrate a birthday this past week ? (If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!) Do any of you have a birthday coming up? How are you celebrating it or how did you celebrate it? And what about your Easter holiday? What was your favorite part? Anyone get any good easter baskets??
[I didn't... but I did get my nephews some good ones :) Guess once you hit 29 and are married, if you don't buy yourself an Easter basket you aren't getting one. Lol! And if you did, I'm jealous. :)!!]
Monday, March 26, 2012
Winner for Spring Cleaning Giveaway Hop
Congratulations to Vickie Reljin for winning the Spring Cleaning Giveaway Hop! Thank you to everyone who participated!!!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Congratulations to Tami Husak & Kali Skittles for winning the $10 Barnes & Noble gift card prizes in the Lucky Leprechaun Giveaway Hop- Thank you to everyone who participated!!!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Spring Cleaning Giveaway Hop
So it's that time of year again - warm weather, blooming flowers, green grass.
And if you are anything like me, it means time for home makeovers and spring cleaning! So as I'm starting to reorganize and dust off the shelves, I decided to participate in another giveaway hop this coming week to celebrate the Joys of Spring.
But this Giveaway Hop is a little bit different than the Lucky Leprechaun one. This one I particularly enjoy because it's all about recycling. Check it out:
Open to US only.
Drawing for the Giveaway will be held on March 25, 2012,
and the winner will be announced on March 26, 2012.
To be eligible to enter the Giveaway, you must "Follow" this site then enter with this FORM. One entry per person please. Friend me on Facebook, Follow me on Twitter and/or Friend me on Goodreads for an extra chances to win. Leave a comment - what is your favorite part of spring?
Thanks for stopping by - I look forward to meeting you!
And if you are anything like me, it means time for home makeovers and spring cleaning! So as I'm starting to reorganize and dust off the shelves, I decided to participate in another giveaway hop this coming week to celebrate the Joys of Spring.
But this Giveaway Hop is a little bit different than the Lucky Leprechaun one. This one I particularly enjoy because it's all about recycling. Check it out:
From March 20th through March 25th, I'm participating in the "Spring Cleaning" giveaway hop hosted by I AM A Reader, Not A Writer . I'll be giving away these two books from my bookshelf to one lucky winner.
Open to US only.
Drawing for the Giveaway will be held on March 25, 2012,
and the winner will be announced on March 26, 2012.
To be eligible to enter the Giveaway, you must "Follow" this site then enter with this FORM. One entry per person please. Friend me on Facebook, Follow me on Twitter and/or Friend me on Goodreads for an extra chances to win. Leave a comment - what is your favorite part of spring?
Thanks for stopping by - I look forward to meeting you!
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