Monday, April 9, 2012

My birthday week!

So I am officially 29 years old now. Eek! That means I'm almost 30!!!   Where does time go??

Oh that's right, I'm busy working full time and trying to write some books :)
There still isn't any updates on The Shifted, but I have a few things in the works- like a new website and few other story ideas. Can't wait to share it with you.

In the meantime, I thought I'd take a time out from my busy schedule and share my birthday week with you. Starting with a very young photo of me... the birthday girl.

That was me 23 years ago! My wonderful grandmother sends me a birthday card every year with a photo attached. This was the photo sent to me this year. Apparently you get ribbons in elementary school for being a birthday girl, I just didn't remember that. Lol.

Besides getting birthday photos, I spent my actual birthday working at my job and going out for chocolate chip pancakes at the diner when my hubby got home. Pancakes are one of my favorite foods...chocolate is the other. :)

 I was a happy birthday girl!!

The next day I headed off to Atlantic City with my husband, sister-in-law and brother-in-law to check out the new casino.B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! I loved it, up until I lost my money haha. No I still loved it. 
The view of the ocean from the casino floor is awesome. 
                                                                                  Check it out:

And here is a photo of the casino from the roof top :

After we ate some fine italian dinner, played some slot machines, and pretty much got super nosy and checked everything out- we left Revel and headed over to the Tropicana for some good ol' laughs at the comedy show.  I think I was the loudest one!!! I was crying, I was laughing so hard at the end of the show.  What a wonderful way to end a great evening out!!

And if celebrating my birthday at the diner and AC wasn't enough fun for me, I packed up my overnight bag and headed home to PA for the Easter weekend.

 I just love those mountains!!!!
"Over the hill... and through the woods.... to grandma's house we go..."  Oh wait, sorry, I started singing off key again. Good thing you couldn't actually hear me. Anyway, the weather was beautiful (a little chilly at night and early morning) but the sky was always clear. Which just means I got to see my mountains EVERY day!
Friday I got to see my sister and her family, and an old childhood friend and her family. Saturday I spent the morning shopping with my mom, taking a nap on the recliner in the afternoon (it's very rare to find me that relaxed, lol) and in the evening was playing cards with my grandparents and my sister. And might I just add my grandfather took no mercy on me. I was handing out money left and right, apparently I am just as bad at playing cards as I am at playing slots. And then Sunday, I got up and went to church in the morning with my parents and then helped mom out in the kitchen until Easter dinner.
(My wonderful husband drove all the way up just for the day so I was super happy to spend the holiday with him too)

I couldn't have asked for a better 29th birthday ( Okay, okay I know could have thought of even more fun things to do and places to go but overall it was a great week.)

So how about any of you? Did anyone else celebrate a birthday this past week ? (If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!) Do any of you have a birthday coming up? How are you celebrating it or how did you celebrate it? And what about your Easter holiday? What was your favorite part? Anyone get any good easter baskets??
[I didn't... but I did get my nephews some good ones :) Guess once you hit 29 and are married, if you don't buy yourself an Easter basket you aren't getting one. Lol! And if you did, I'm jealous. :)!!]